Aircraft - Robinson
R44 Raven ::
For those who expect excellence
and appreciate value, at last there's the R44 Raven. Quite simply, the
Raven delivers the performance of an expensive turbine helicopter at an
affordable piston price. Its sleek design, impressive speed, and unparalleled
reliability give it the competitive edge in today's fast-paced, changing
Affordable luxury defines the Raven. Standard features include a precision-engineered
RPM governor, a durable rotor brake, an auxiliary fuel system for added versatility
and longer range, a powerful heater/defogger, and hydraulic power controls that
completely eliminate stick shake and control forces for a smooth, relaxing ride.
The Raven's distinctive aerodynamic design allows a high cruise speed up to 130
mph and an average fuel consumption of only 12 to 16 gallons per hour. The cabin
offers comfortable "two plus two" seating with removable dual controls and no
bulkhead or post between the front and rear seats, assuring exceptional visibility
and panoramic views for all passengers.
The R44 is available in optional utility configurations for specialized missions.
The R44 Clipper is equipped with fixed utility or pop-out emergency floats for
over-water operations; the R44 Police Helicopter includes all the technological
equipment necessary for successful airborne law enforcement; the R44 IFR Trainer's
enlarged instrument panel accommodates all the avionics and instruments necessary
to qualify and train VFR pilots for an instrument flight rating; and the R44
Newscopter is the first turn-key aerial platform designed specifically for high-quality
live television news broadcasting.
Robinson's engineering emphasis on quality, reliability, and performance has
made the R44 Raven the world's top-selling helicopter. It has fewer accidents
due to aircraft or engine failure than other light helicopters, and best of all,
the Raven has the lowest cost per seat-mile of any helicopter anywhere.
R44 Raven
R44 Police

Gross Weight ... 2,400 lb
Empty Weight Equipped (incl oil & avionics) ... 1,442 lb
Standard Fuel (30.6 gal) ... 184 lb
Auxiliary Fuel (18.3 gal) ... 110 lb
Passengers and Baggage w/standard fuel ... 774 lb
Cruise Speed ... 130 mph (113 kts)
Maximum Range (no reserve) ... approx 400 miles
Hover Ceiling IGE @ 2400 lb ... 6,400 feet
Hover Ceiling OGE @ 2200 lb ... 5,100 feet
Rate-of-Climb over ... 1,000 fpm
Maximum Operating Altitude ... 14,000 feet